We built our award winning Trade Credit Insurance on 3 pillars
As The Saying Goes, Change is Constant
There is always something changing, and unless you are everywhere all the time, one cannot possibly keep up with those changes… and have any kind of a life anyway.
“Our Customers are as Good as Gold. They always Pay.”
We hear some variation of this with every business we meet.
Many times, within months of our meeting, they are back in front of us because they took a large bad debt loss. Some companies just need to take the hit first, before they purchase the product. That’s fine, we are patient, and we’ll be here when you are ready.
Our Leadership consists of Presidents Club Level winning Sales Professionals, Asset Based Lender,
and a Director of Operations .
Schedule a short conversion and we’ll help you better understand what Trade Credit Insurance is, what it isn’t, and if it’s right for your company
Founded by John Cornell in 2015 after a very successful decade working for the world’s largest trade credit insurer, Allianz Trade (Euler Hermes). Prior to Allianz, John was a very successful asset-based lender where he learned firsthand the important relationship between growing sales and managing credit risk
We Are What Better Credit Management looks like