Why Do Companies Buy Trade Credit Insurance?  And Why Crescendo Trade Risk?

You might look at Trade Credit Insurance coverage and rates once a year, at best.  We look at it every day.  We know the market, the carriers, and the trends. 

We’ll Get You the Best Program Value

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It’s Not Rocket Science. There are 5 Reasons Companies Buy Trade Credit Insurance

 Awesome. You have decided to buy a Trade Credit Insurance Policy

(Or you already have one)

Should you use Crescendo Trade Risk or buy direct from carrier?  

Vince Lombardi had a saying: “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”

How about a POP QUIZ? (We sense you cringing right now)


Pop Quiz

Who would be better at Sourcing

Trade Credit Insurance?

A. Someone who buys it once a year?

B. Someone who buys it every day?

Correct Answer: B

If you answered A, switch your Answer to B and we won’t tell anyone you got it wrong.

Unless you want us to. Then we will.


Business everyday is a series of tests (quizzes). So is Managing your A/R Risk.

Pass your quiz by passing the A/R risk to Crescendo Trade Risk